Palladio's secret garden
It's time to wear "Baute e Morette", the ancient game begins... it's Carnival!
The Church of S.Pietro in Castello, in Venice
Villa Valmarana Zen in Lisiera
Villa Foscari and the "Serenissimo" Prince
Palazzo Grimani and the dangerous Venetian Renaissance
The Palladian Loggia in the Accademia Galleries
From Leonardo to Palladio. Inspiration travels between the two Italians, passing through France
Where Leonardo Valmarana hovers
Andrea at the Pedemuro workshop
Vicenza, ancient dream
Palazzo Valmarana Braga lives
Villa Loschi Zileri
Palladio, Gandhi and Mandela
Vicenza, its landscapes and the Spirit of Palladio
The breath of Athens and Rome in Venice, 1 day tour with the Palladians
Barbaran da Porto Palace
Saint Francis of the Vineyard Church
Villa Zeno
Villa Chiericati