The relations between Republic of Venice and Turin during the Italian Risorgimento.
More than one hundred and fifty years ago, on February 18, 1861, the first Italian parliament met in Turin, capital of a new state: Italy.

The movement had been launched in the twenties of the nineteenth century by writers, artists and politicians anxious to unify the mosaic of states that had emerged from the irruption of Napoleon's armies in this geographical space.
The democratic revolutions of 1848 had been missed opportunities. Twelve months during which the relations between Venice and Turin are torn between the old pride of the Republic and a pragmatism that, much more than idealism, pushes to the unity with Piedmont. But the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia had become, thanks to a constitution more liberal than elsewhere in the peninsula, the refuge of the supporters of the Risorgimento.
Between 1848 and 1860, democrats, federalists, royalists and liberals met in the cafés and restaurants of Turin to imagine a common future for the Italian principalities.
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