Venice and Florence, for many centuries rivaled as two world capitals of art, references in all the great arts: in painting, architecture, sculpture, not to mention music.

A magnificent challenge: on one side Giotto, Michelangelo, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Alberti, Leonardo Da Vinci, on the other Giorgione, Veronese, Tiziano, Bellini, Tiepolo, Tintoretto, Palladio, Scamozzi, Canova, Canaletto... to name a few.
For all of them, the first question was: how to represent the universal essence of nature, that is, what it profoundly is?
If we want to split it roughly with an axe, the Tuscans sought it in form, the Venetians in color.
The idea of light also changes between Florence and Venice: for the Tuscans it penetrates close to matter to reveal the intelligible form of things, for the Venetians it saturates it, revealing its metaphysical truth.
No, not here, not now.
You cannot do it this way: you have to go there, to Venice and Florence, to be in front of the single works of art, to immerse yourself in them body and soul, to live them inside your soul.