Let's start from the city of architecture par excellence, to rediscover the horizons that marked the life of Andrea Palladio and where he set some of his creations, together with those of who followed him took shape, in an epic adventure in the saddle of a Palladian E-Bike.

Here's a taste of a stage around halfway: imagine it told in your earphones with the voice of Andrea Palladio, having just discovered a new unexpected glimpse, which will be a new chapter of the extraordinary adventure that will unfold as the hours progress.

“There are still some traces of this magical place between the water that flows in a stream bordered by bushes of wild calla lilies in bloom and ancient fig trees.
The place I'm taking you, where I wish you could go, is here: you just have to enter it.
It is Arcadia: an ancient, timeless place, a place narrated by inspired poets.
A place that existed but that became a myth, an ideal place where man and nature live in perfect harmony, a place between wakefulness and dream, a place of the ancient time and a place of my one, Renaissance.

A landscape where sound, the echo of a universal sound, nourishes Fame.
It is a voice of many, which goes on continuously flowing and recreating itself.
Changing shape and sound to this swarm, because the Gods never stop giving signs to men by sending them dreams and flights of birds.

And so the voice of man becomes the Voice of the Oracle, History becomes Myth, as the News becomes an Omen..."
Find out more here!
Or directly ask us more information at:
Palladian Routes
Palazzo Valmarana Braga, Corso Fogazzaro 16 Vicenza
email: info@palladianroutes.com
tel: 0444.1270212